Sunday, November 13, 2016

Marley and Me

I was pregnant when I watched Marley and Me. I totally had no idea about the movie nor heard of it before. I was just passing the time while waiting for my husband to come home from work. I was crying when he arrived.

Five years later I came across the book while buying children's books for my son. Every night after reading all of my son's 7 books (he insists!) I read 5 pages of it or so before surrendering to sleep. I haven't reached the 100th page yet but I am enjoying it. It makes me laugh and leave me wanting to own a dog.

We had a dog while growing up, too many in fact to count. They're not of pure breed. They're lineage of course could be traced from a stray dog of which puppies were given to neighbors. I had one that was brought by my grandmother all the way from Biliran. Another was a favored one, hairy, small and gray. My father bought the dog shampoo and the rest was up to me. It took the meat my father was supposed to cook and I ended up looking for the dog everywhere. It came home full and satisfied.

I have thought many times of owning a dog again. We did it back in April but had to return the dog after a few days. Financially I wasn't ready. Our money was alloted for the house and it's imperative that the dog be administered with the anti-rabies first or  I'll never find peace again.

Who knows maybe next year I'll find the right one and fall in love.

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